It’s never too early or too late to learn an instrument. Whether they’re taking out their energy on the good ol’ pots and pans, need a hobby to keep them occupied after school, or they’ve been begging you for a drum kit, the answer is clear: drumming is probably on the table in the near future (figuratively, but maybe literally as well).

I know what you might be thinking:

“I don’t want to listen to a newbie drummer make noise all day.”

“I can’t afford another hobby my kid is going to neglect next week.”

Believe it or not, you can start with a quiet practice pad, a pair of sticks, and a teacher before you invest in the real deal. There are also many ways to practice when you can’t have a full drum set at home.

Here’s why you should consider providing the gift of drum to that youngster:

1. Drumming is an outlet for energy

Depending on their age and personality, kids have a lot of energy. Sitting them down with an iPad won’t cut it, and sports aren’t for everyone. Instead of running around the house while you’re trying to make dinner, they could be channeling their energy into drumming. Admit it: it feels good to hit things, and it can even improve a bad mood by releasing endorphins. Parents of preteens, take note.

2. Drumming can improve academic performance

This might sound like the best excuse ever, but research shows drumming to have a positive impact on cognitive development. Whether it’s listening skills, memory skills or fine motor skills, rhythm training comes with major benefits that can be applied in the classroom. You can even think of playing drums as learning a new language.

One study found that rock drumming for just an hour a week can help autistic children with better focus and social interaction at school. And as if that wasn’t enough, learning rhythm theory teaches counting and fractions, too!


3. Drumming gives kids something productive to do

Rather than sit in front of a screen or be tempted by trouble, a regular activity like drumming provides a useful distraction after school. Because it requires focus and energy, it’s also the perfect outlet to relieve stress and anxiety. Some go so far as to describe playing drums as meditative and good for mental health.

4. Drumming is great exercise

When you get moving on the kit, every practice becomes a cardio workout. According to CalorieLab, a 150-pound adult drums away an average of 200 calories per hour. There are dozens of studies that support drumming as a form of exercise. Whether you’re playing pop, funk, or rock, you’re increasing your heart rate and engaging your muscles while moving around the set.

Bonus: Drummers develop coordination between limbs, which exercises the brain, too.

5. Drumming builds confidence

Some shy kids may find that playing a ‘loud’ instrument gives them a bigger voice (don’t forget to give them proper ear protection). But being able to work on a skill, break it down into manageable parts, and feel successful when you master it…that’s a confidence-builder in itself. Learning new rhythms and songs on the drums means overcoming obstacles and looking a challenge straight in the eye.

Many drummers play with other musicians or meet other drummers, and feeling like you’re part of a community can help with social confidence as well.

Whether you’re planning to be the teacher, hiring someone in person, or choosing online drum lessons like Aeroband, you’re making the right decision – one that will positively impact that kid for their entire life.

So why Air Drumming?

Air drums have been around since the 2010, but have just recently started becoming more popular. Earlier versions of Air drums were difficult to use and didn’t function like traditional drum sets, but as technology improves in general so does the technology in Air drums. When it comes to Air drums there are a lot of benefits, and we’d like to take the time to highlight some of the things that might make them attractive to a new musician.

Limits Noise

As a new drummer, you might be worried about annoying your neighbors, especially if you live in a condo or apartment with shared walls. With an Air drum you won’t have to worry since they can be played as quietly or as loudly as you’d like. The sound can even be monitored with headphones, meaning you can practice in the middle of the night without disrupting the rest of your family. For recording enthusiasts, Air drums make it easy to create professional sounding tracks without the need for microphones and preamps.

Practice Wherever You Want

Going on vacation? Do you spend weekdays with your mom and weekends with your dad? Regardless of the circumstances, traveling with a drum kit is next to impossible (unless you’re in a band and playing a bunch of shows–then it’s a necessity.) But trust us, you don’t want to be lugging a drum kit back and forth very frequently. With an Air drum you can conveniently store and travel with your drum set using a couple cases and soft bags. If you think you’ll be traveling often, an Air drum kit may be the better choice for you.

Versatile in Nature

An Air drum gives you the freedom to change the sound of your drums with the touch of a button. Just imagine: you can change the sound of your drums to mimic a studio-quality acoustic kit, a huge arena rock kit, a funky hip-hop kit, or just about any sound you can imagine in a few seconds. With hundreds of sound effects at your fingertips, you can do more with an Air drum kit when it comes to sound than you’d be able to do with an acoustic one. Plus, you won’t need mics to capture your drums’ sound, meaning you won’t have to worry about sound bleed while playing live or recording.

Built for Small Spaces

Let’s face it: most people don’t have an extra room (or even just extra room) in their home that they can dedicate to keeping their drum set in. Since the sounds are electronically generated, Air drum sets don’t need to be as physically large as acoustic drum sets, which rely on their size to produce sound. For this reason, they’re a great choice if you don’t have tons of space in your home to dedicate to musical instruments. This, combined with its portability, mean Air drum kits tend to have a smaller footprint than their acoustic counterparts.

Makes Recording Easy

Although the features vary from kit to kit, most Air drum sets include some kind of built-in recording options. With conventional drums, you’ll discover that recording sounds can be a bit of a hassle–you might need to soundproof the room and you’ll definitely need the right microphones and some high-quality recording equipment. With an Air set, you’ll need none of the above to record sounds. You can even join the drum set without delay to your PC or sound mixer, and the sounds will transmit right away.



  • Anna Collins
    • Anna Collins
    • August 25, 2022 at 10:34 am

    My son has been interested in music recently, so I was thinking of getting him private drum lessons this summer break. It was quite interesting when you mentioned how drumming leaves a positive impact on a child’s cognitive development through rhythm training. I’ll be sure to look into trusted music instructors near our area so my son can learn the drums soon.

  • Benson paul
    • Benson paul
    • April 27, 2022 at 11:56 am

    Woww they are just like invisible drums. So can u feel the drums that u are playing

  •  Sangarva Chakraborty
    • Sangarva Chakraborty
    • April 27, 2022 at 11:56 am

    It’s freaking cooollllll!!!

  •  Karla Am
    • Karla Am
    • April 27, 2022 at 11:56 am

    I want them so bad! They look so coool

  • Oofer Ganger
    • Oofer Ganger
    • April 27, 2022 at 11:56 am

    I love the idea but I drop my sticks all the time. This might be a problem for me.

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