If you pay by credit card, we will receive temporary authorization to charge your card once you have completed the payment process. We will charge you when we ship your order or when the temporary authorization ends, whichever comes first. Different payment methods have different temporary authorization periods. For example:
MasterCard, JCB : --28 days
Visa, American Express, Discover, Apple Pay: --7 days
If a PayPal dispute occurs before shipment, the order will be held because PayPal will withhold payment under such circumstances. Please settle the dispute to proceed with the order.
For your protection, orders are subject to Aeroband's verification procedure. You may be asked to verify that you are the card owner or that the order information is legitimate. Aeroband reserves the right to refuse an order if the order or payment information is not verifiable. If so, a refund will be issued via the same method you used to make your payment.
Please contact our customer care using online chat service or email at support@aeroband.net if there is any problem with your payment.